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2 Mar 2013

Struktur dan Fungsi Jaringan Tanaman

“Summary of 2nd Semester”
By : Shinta M. Kusumaningratri

  1. Structure and Functions of the Plant Tissues

Epidermis        : Outer part of the plant organ to protect the inner part of the plant.
- There are         : root hair and stomata
Cortex             : A filler of space between epidermis and vascular tissues.
- There are         : Collenchym, to supporting the young plant.
                                                              Schlerenchym, to supporting the old plant.
Vascular tissues           : The inside part of the point organ.
- There are         : Xylem, from root to leaf.
                                                              Phloem, from leaf to all part of the plant.
1.                Root
v  Function          : 1. To absorb water and minerals from soil.
                                  2. The place to save the food reserve.
                                  3. To support the stem.
v  Kinds of root  : a. Fibrous root, for monocothyl.
                                 b. Tap Root, for dicothyl and gymnospermae.
v  The structure of root   :
· Epidermis, has semipermeable characteristic, to water and minerals                     way.
·     Cortex, area to save the food reserve.
· Endodermis, to arrange the water and minerals way from coetex to stele.

·      Vascular cylinder         :    Phloem                          
2          Stem
v  Function          : 1. To support the leaf.
                                  2. Storage for materials.
                                  3. To transported water and mineral from the root to the leaf.
                                  4. Food transported to all parts of the plant in the phloem.
v  Kinds of stem : a. Herbaceous stem,  soft and ussually has a green color.
                                          Ex  : Tomato, chili, eggplant.
                                 b. Woden stem, hard and compact. Found in a big tree.
In a dycothyl plants has a cambium, but in monocothyl plants hasn’t a cambium.
Cambium, is horde active cleave of cell, while can make the stem of dycothyl plants become big, this can called secondary growth. 
Function is the place for photoshynthesis process.
Structure, Epidermis, mesophyl, vascular cylinder.
Transpiration   : Water evaporates from the leaf tissu and is put outside through the stoma or through the lenticell of the stem.
Leaf gets CO2  from the air around it by diffusion.

  1. The Physiological Process of Plant
Move from a place of higher concentration.
Water diffusion through the cell membrane.


To control plant temperatures.
To absorb water from the soil containing nutrients which are needed by plants.
Guttation, Water in leaves excrete in the from of water drops.
Hidatoda, is special stomata.


            Green plants are able to produce the organic materials they need by themselves. By using the carbondioxide, water and the sunlight as energy sources, the green plants convert inorganic materials into organic materials to produce carbohydrate.
Tho complex process of photosynthesis can be visualized in a simple reaction as follows    :

                                       Sun Light     = ( C6H1206)n + 6O2
            6CO2 + 6H2O + Chlorophyl

Ninety percent (90%) of the oxygen comes from the resut of photosynthesis. Animalas and plants also use nutrients and oxygen from the result of this process.
The organism that are able to produce organic materials are called autothropic organism.
If the autotrophic organisms produce the organic materials by using chemical energy, is called chemoautotroph organism. Humans and animals cannot make their own organic materials ; therefore, called heterotrophic organism.


            Is the process of energy change. The energy comes from the chemical energy stored in food. Next, this energy is released from the food.
·         Aerobic respiration, is the respiration takes place in every plant and animal cell, and in most cases, requires oxygen, which occurs in metochondria.
·         An – aerobic respiration, is the respiration takes place in every plant and animal cell, and in most cases, isn’t requires oxygen. Like bacteria and fungi.

The important factors for transport the water from the root until stem

a.    The root pressure
b.    The stem capilarity
c.    The leaf absorb power

Excretion system
            Is the excretion system is a system that related with an excretion metabolism process so that isn’t happen a poisoning.

C.    Responses of Plants

Kinds of Movements In Plants And Factors Influencing Them
Base of the influenced factors, plants distinguishable become 3 kinds, are          :
A.    Autonom movement (endonom), is the automatic movement, that influenced of that                                                         own plants.
·         Ex  : Protoplasm movement.
B.     Higroscophycs movement, is the movement that influenced the change of the water                                                degree.
·         Ex  : The an legumes of various sorts fruit broken.
C.    Etionomus  movement, is the movement that influenced because a stimuli from outside. There are 3 kinds         :
1.      Nastic movement, is the movement caused by the pressure.
a.       Seismonastic, is a plants complex movement cause of a touch.
Ex        : Closing of mimosa pudica cause the contact stimulation.
b.      Niktinastic, is the nastic mavement related to the night.
Ex        : Breaking and closing of a 4-o’clock flowers.
2.      Tropism movement, is a certain movement of plant organ in a certain direction.
·         Positive phototropism, is the tropism movement towards the light.
·         Negative phototropism, is the tropism movement away the light.

a.      Geotropism, is the movement of roots influenced by gravity.
Ex        : - Positive geotropism, is the movement of roots toward the earth                               center as the source of gravity.
·  Negative geotropism, is the movement of other plants growing away from the earth center is commonly.
b.      Phototropism, is a movement influenced by toeard the light.
Ex        : - Positive phototropism, the top root movement.
·   Negative phototropism, the top stem movement.
c.       Hydotropism, is the growth movement of the top root toward                                                  the  water.
d.      Tigmotropism, is the movement of a plant organ with such a touch / stimulus.
Ex        : - The movement folding back of spiraling upward of                                                   cucurbitaceae.
3.      Taxis movement, the movement of the single cell / unicellular plants.
a.      Phototaxis, is the taxis movement with light.
Ex        : - Euglena movement toward the light center.
·  Chlamidomonas movement be far from the light.
b.      Kemotaxis, is the taxis movement cause a stimulating of chemical                                   substances.
Ex        : - The spermatozoa movement toward ovum.
·  The aerob bacteria toward the place of rich oxygen.

D.    Pest and Diseases in Plants

1.      Pests
            Is a destroyer animal or the consumer plants cultivation.
Pets that can attack plants are :
                                                            a.  Worms, which attack the root.
                                                            b. Insects, birds, and mammals attack the stem,                                                               leaf, flower, and fruit.

                                                            c. Such a worm is the larva of a predator insect,                                                             which preys on the leaf, stem, flower, and fruit                                                         of a plant.
Example          : The pest Thrips kill the chili plant.

2.      Disease
Is called fitopatologi, that’s study about the proccess of the development disease on the plants, as well the method to eard of that desease on the plants.
The disease often to attack the plants are:

            I.            Bacteria
            Cause damages to plants. They come into the plant body through stomata.they ussually attack plant cells if the sitoplasm is infected. Bacteria cause a plant disease especially in subtropical and tropical area. Example          : Erwinia tracheiphilia
Kill the cucumber plant.

      II.          Viruses
            May also infect plants. They cause appearance of dotted yellow marks on a leaf. The yellowmdots gradually turn darker because the tissues are dead. Such a disease is called a mosaic disease. Example of it            :
a)         Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV), for cucumber plants.
b)        Potato Virus Mosaic (PVM), for potatoes.
c)         Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV), for tobaccos.
d)        Tomato Bushy Virus (TBSV), for tomatoes.
Virus also may cause tumor in leaves. The leaves have no shape. But the plant viruses cannot infect animals.

III.              Fungi
            Called Erysiphe cichoracearum usually infect the surface of leaf and young stem, making the leaves yellow and finally dead.
The fungi is multiply with the excretion of spore, that spore spread pass through an air, water, and soil. That fungi often have white color and we can ward off with fungicide. Example is Plasmodiophora brassicae, attack a cabbage.

 VI.            Insects
            Insects that harm plants such as small insects (bees) and fruit flies.
The insects pick up some microbe from infectd plants and move them to others. They usually eat most of the leaves so that it is impossible for the plants to make a lot of food in their body.

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